Este sitio web utiliza cookies para ofrecer el mejor servicio posible. Al usar nuestro sitio, usted acepta usar cookies. ¡Más información en nuestra Política de privacidad!

Política de privacidad


Fecha de vigencia: enero 1, 2023

TOTO USA, INC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TOTO AMERICAS HOLDINGS, INC., a United States subsidiary of TOTO, LTD, operating solely within the Americas.  TOTO USA is committed to your privacy. This Privacy policy applies to our practices in connection with information collected through our websites, services and applications (a “Site” or collectively the “Sites”). By using the Sites, or by providing information to us, you agree that we may use and disclose your information according to the terms of this Policy. 

El uso de su información está sujeto a la Política de privacidad y a los Términos y condiciones vigentes al momento de usarlo. Lea nuestra Política de privacidad de vez en cuando, ya que podemos modificarla en cualquier momento, a nuestro entero arbitrio. Si realizáramos cambios materiales sustanciales, publicaremos la Política de privacidad revisada en nuestro Sitio con una nueva Fecha de vigencia. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any third parties or the content of linked sites although we do encourage you to read the applicable privacy policies and terms and conditions of such parties or websites.

Procesamiento de datos y transferencias de datos a otros países

Our Site is intended for use by visitors from the Americas.  We offer translations of our Site into French or Spanish for our visitors from Canada and Central and South America.  The Site is maintained on servers located in the United States, and personal information submitted is stored on our servers in the United States. 

The TOTO Store is available for purchases shipped only into the continental United States and Canada.  Purchases from outside those territories are not permitted. If you are visiting our Site from outside the United States or Canada, please be advised that your information is transferred to our U.S. servers.  Please navigate to the Global tab on the Site to locate the TOTO website serving your location. 

Si comparte con nosotros su información personal de acuerdo con esta Política de privacidad, lo hace bajo su propio riesgo. Al permitirnos recopilar información sobre usted, todos los usuarios, incluyendo, sin carácter restrictivo, los usuarios de Canadá y la Unión Europea, comprenden totalmente y prestan su consentimiento inequívocamente para la recopilación, transferencia y procesamiento de sus datos como se describe en esta Política de privacidad. Nos esforzamos por cumplir con las leyes de las jurisdicciones en las que realizamos operaciones, pero no garantizamos que las prácticas descritas en esta Política de privacidad cumplen con las leyes fuera de esas jurisdicciones correspondientes a la recopilación, seguridad, uso y divulgación de información personal.

Cómo proteger su información

Hemos implementado y mantenemos métodos físicos, administrativos y técnicos razonables para proteger su información. Usted también desempeña un papel importante en la protección de su información. Puede ayudar a mantener la seguridad de sus operaciones en línea si no comparte la información de ingreso y contraseña de su cuenta con nadie, y si cambia su contraseña con frecuencia.

Información que recopilamos y cómo la usamos

Información que usted proporciona. Cuando se inscribe en TOTO USA, por ejemplo, para hacer una compra, recopilamos información de su perfil a través de nuestro formulario de inscripción. Puede incluir su nombre, dirección, dirección de e-mail, dirección de envío y número de teléfono. Proporcionar información personal es su decisión exclusivamente. No obstante, es posible que ciertos servicios no estén disponibles si no ingresa la información solicitada. También podemos pedirle que elija un nombre de usuario y contraseña o número de identificación para poder acceder a ciertas partes de nuestro Sitio. También podemos pedirle que proporcione información demográfica opcional como, entre otros datos, su código postal, su grupo etario, su ocupación o sus preferencias de productos. Cuando se inscribe en cualquier servicio de TOTO USA, su nombre de usuario y contraseña quedan registrados con el propósito de mantener sus cuentas dentro del sitio. Nuestros servidores también registran la dirección de e-mail que envía para inscribirse. Si accede a nuestro Sitio a través de una cuenta de una red social, también podemos recibir información sobre usted, su identidad digital o los contactos de su cuenta de la red social, según cómo haya establecido sus preferencias en dicha cuenta.

Comunicaciones con nosotros. Si decide comunicarse con nosotros, ya sea por e-mail, teléfono, correo postal o mediante nuestra función de chat en línea, recopilaremos y almacenaremos la información que proporciona.  

Nuestro Sitio puede autorizar a los residentes de los Estados Unidos y Canadá a comprar ciertos productos a través de nuestra Tienda TOTO, un sitio web independiente de nuestra propiedad y operado por nosotros. Al realizar un pedido, le solicitaremos que nos provea su información de contacto, incluida la dirección postal, la dirección de e-mail y su número de teléfono, la información de su tarjeta de pago y la dirección de facturación y número de teléfono asociados, así como su dirección de envío. La información sobre su pago está protegida durante la transmisión con tecnología estándar de la industria.

Si desea enviar por e-mail una página o más desde nuestro sitio a un amigo, recopilaremos la dirección de e-mail del destinatario a los efectos de hacer esa transmisión. No obstante, no podemos tener ese e-mail en nuestros registros permanentes a no ser que el destinatario se registre de manera independiente en TOTO USA.

Podemos usar la información que recopilamos sobre usted para nuestros intereses operativos y de desarrollo legítimos, por ejemplo:

  • para responder a sus solicitudes o consultas,
  • para procesar transacciones que solicitó,
  • para administrar o facilitar la operación y seguridad del Sitio,
  • para mejorar su experiencia con TOTO USA,
  • para comunicarnos con usted sobre transacciones o inscripción, y sobre productos, servicios, eventos y otras oportunidades relacionadas con TOTO USA,
  • para identificarlo o autenticar su identidad,
  • para comunicarnos con usted respecto de su cuenta con nosotros,
  • para controlar y mejorar el uso y satisfacción de los usuarios del Sitio,
  • para mostrar publicidades relacionadas con sus intereses,
  • para realizar estudios y análisis,
  • para ampliar nuestros servicios y alcance dentro de los Estados Unidos.

Información que se recopila de manera automática. Cuando un visitante ingresa en las páginas del sitio de TOTO USA, nuestros servidores automáticamente reconocen el nombre de dominio y la dirección IP. Podemos recopilar información estadística acerca de cómo los usuarios suelen buscar o utilizar el Sitio y reservarnos el derecho de reunir y publicar información de perfil sobre nuestros visitantes sin nombre ni direcciones con fines comerciales razonables.

No usamos tecnología que reconozca la señal 'no rastrear' de su navegador web.

Cookies. Podemos utilizar 'cookies' (información que su navegador almacena en el disco duro de su computadora) para rastrear sesiones y personalizar su experiencia en nuestro Sitio, para poder mejorarlo y adaptarlo a las necesidades de nuestros usuarios. Puede ajustar la configuración de su navegador para limitar o rechazar cookies. Si rechaza las cookies, esto limitará el rendimiento del sistema y hasta puede causar que ciertas funciones del Sitio no funcionen o funcionen mal. Further general information about cookies and how they work is available at Las cookies que usamos en nuestro Sitio incluyen:

Cookies de sesión: estas cookies temporales vencen y se borran automáticamente cada vez que usted cierra la ventana de su navegador. Usamos las cookies de sesión para dar acceso a nuestros usuarios al contenido y para permitir acciones que pueden realizar solo si ingresan a su cuenta.

Cookies persistentes: estas suelen tener una fecha de vencimiento en el futuro lejano y permanecen en su navegador hasta su vencimiento o hasta que las borra manualmente. Usamos las cookies persistentes para comprender mejor los patrones de uso y mejorar el sitio para nuestros clientes. Por ejemplo, podemos usar una cookie persistente para asociarlo a su cuenta de usuario o para recordar sus elecciones en este Sitio, pero esto solo funciona si están habilitadas las cookies de nuestro sitio.

Cookies de terceros: permitimos que algunos terceros usen cookies a través del Sitio para que accedamos a mejor información del uso del Sitio o de la información demográfica de los usuarios, o para ofrecer publicidades relevantes para sus intereses. Estos terceros pueden recopilar información acerca de las actividades en línea de un consumidor a lo largo del tiempo y en diferentes sitios web, si usan nuestro sitio web. Por ejemplo, usamos programas analíticos para analizar patrones de uso del Sitio. No controlamos el uso de las cookies de terceros ni la información resultante y no nos hacemos responsables por ninguna acción o política de dichos terceros.

Sus opciones.

Podremos usar su dirección de e-mail para contactarlo en respuesta a sus consultas, para enviarle boletines informativos o anuncios, para invitarlo a participar de encuestas o para ofrecerle información sobre productos o servicios. Puede optar por no recibir los e-mails de promoción si pide la baja de su suscripción con el mecanismo que ofrecemos en los e-mails que le enviamos.

Cómo comparte su información TOTO USA.

En general, TOTO USA no compartirá su información con nadie que no sea un empleado o afiliado de TOTO USA o que no haya firmado el acuerdo de no divulgación correspondiente. TOTO USA podrá divulgar información de identificación personal acerca de usted a un tercero no afiliado: (1) si usted lo solicita o lo autoriza, (2) si la información se facilita para completar una transacción para usted, (3) si la información se divulga para cumplir con la ley, disposiciones aplicables, solicitudes del gobierno u otros organismos oficiales, órdenes o citaciones judiciales, para hacer cumplir nuestros Términos de uso u otros acuerdos o para proteger nuestros derechos, propiedad o seguridad, o los derechos, propiedad o seguridad de nuestros usuarios u otras personas (por ejemplo, a una agencia de información sobre consumo para protección contra fraudes, etc.), (4) si la divulgación es parte de una compra, transferencia o venta de servicios o bienes (por ejemplo, en caso de que una parte sustancial de nuestros bienes sea adquirida por otra parte, la información de clientes puede ser uno de los activos transferidos), (5) si la información se divulga a nuestros funcionarios, proveedores externos o proveedores de servicios para que lleven adelante sus funciones según nuestro mandato (por ejemplo, analizar datos, asistirnos con la publicidad, brindar servicio al cliente, procesar pedidos, etc.), (6) para permitirles acciones de publicidad directa con usted o (7) con cualquier otro fin descrito en esta Política de privacidad.

Podemos divulgar su información no personal, no privada o acumulada, como estadísticas de uso de nuestros Productos, a nuestras empresas afiliadas y a terceros.

Mantener la precisión de la información

Si alguna vez encuentra que la información de su cuenta está incompleta, no es precisa o no es actual, envíenos un e-mail, llámenos o escríbanos como se indica a continuación. Corregiremos cualquier información errónea tan pronto como sea posible.

TOTO USA y los niños

La empresa y el sitio web de TOTO USA no están pensados para resultar atractivos a los niños. No recopilamos datos de niños en forma deliberada ni hacemos publicidad directa con niños de manera deliberada. Nuestros términos y condiciones de uso requieren que toda inscripción sea hecha solo por mayores de 18 años. Si existe una razón para creer que la información es proporcionada por un menor de 18 años, TOTO USA no recopilará la misma sin consentimiento o notificación de los padres, los cuales tendrán la oportunidad de evitar el uso de la información o la participación del menor en la actividad. Si un niño nos proveyó su información personal, un padre o tutor del niño deberá contactar al servicio al cliente de TOTO USA y solicitar que borremos dicha información. Sin el consentimiento de los padres, la información en línea será utilizada solamente para responder a una petición no solicitada y no para otros fines. Reconocemos que proteger la identidad y la privacidad en línea del menor es importante y que la responsabilidad de hacerlo recae tanto en la industria en línea como en los padres.

Notices for California Residents

Sus derechos de privacidad en California

Solo para residentes de California. Podremos divulgar su información personal a nuestras afiliadas u otros terceros, incluidos quienes puedan usarla para acciones de publicidad directa con usted. Pursuant to California Shine the Light Act California residents with an established business relationship with us are permitted to request information about the manner in which we share certain categories of information with third parties for their marketing use. Please email us at or call us at our toll-free telephone number (888) 295-8134 to request a copy of our disclosure pursuant to California law.

California Privacy Act ("CPRA") Notice

CPRA Rights

Verified California residents have the following rights:

  • Information Access Rights. California residents have the right to request up to twice in a 12 month period, and receive:
    • disclosure of our personal Information Collection Practices during the prior 12 months, including the categories of personal information we collect, the categories of sources of such information, our business purpose for collecting or sharing such information, and the categories of third parties with whom we share such information.
    • a copy of the personal information we have collected about them during the prior 12 months, or at your option since enero 1, 2022 (Data Portability).
    • disclosure of our Information Disclosure Practices during the prior 12 months, including a list of the categories of personal information sold or shared with the category of third party recipients and a list of the categories of personal information that we disclosed for a business purpose.
  • Information Correction Right. California residents have the right to request that we correct personal information we hold which is inaccurate. We will require that you provide information about yourself so that we can verify your identity before we can make any change in the information we hold about you and we will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the requested corrections. In some cases, for instance if you have an account with us, you can update your information by logging into your account. You can make information correction requests at any time.
  • Information Deletion Right. California residents have the right to request that we delete (and direct our service providers to delete) their personal information subject to certain exceptions. You may make deletion requests at any time. By way of example, we are not required to comply with a request to delete information if the information is necessary for us to complete a transaction for you or otherwise perform a contract; to detect, protect against, or prosecute security incidents, fraud or illegal activity; to use the information only internally in ways reasonably aligned with your expectations as our customer (such as maintaining sales records), and to comply with legal obligations.
  • Opt Out Rights.
    • Do Not Sell My Personal Information. If you are 16 years of age or older, you have the right, at any time, to direct us to not sell your personal information. We do not sell the personal information of consumers we actually know are less than 16 years of age, unless we receive affirmative authorization (the "right to opt-in") from either the consumer who is at least 13 but not yet 16 years of age, or the parent or guardian of a consumer less than 13 years of age. We do not sell personal information as defined in the CPRA.
    • Do Not Share My Personal Information. You have the right to opt out of having your personal information shared with third parties for cross-context or behavioral advertising purposes. This does not include using your interactions with us or information that you provide to us to select advertisements to show you. We do not share personal information as defined in the CPRA.
    • Limit Processing of Sensitive Personal Information. You have the right to tell us not to process or disclose Sensitive Personal Information for any purpose other than the purposes disclosed at or before the time we originally collected it. We only process or disclose Sensitive Personal Information for the purposes disclosed at or before the time we originally collected it.

For purposes of the CPRA personal information means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular California resident or household.

Making CPRA Requests and Our Responses

  • Access, Correction and Deletion. To exercise the access, correction and deletion rights California residents may contact us by calling us at our toll-free number (888) 295-8134, contact us at by email or by visiting our page here. We will ask you for information that allows us to reasonably verify your identity (that you are the person about whom we collected personal information) and will use that information only for that purpose. We may request that you submit a signed statement under penalty of perjury that you are the individual you claim to be. We will acknowledge receipt of your request within 10 days and will endeavor to respond within forty-five days of receipt of your request, but if we require more time (up to an additional forty-five days) we will notify you of our need for additional time. For requests that we not sell your information we will comply with your request within 15 days. We cannot respond to your request or provide you with personal information if we cannot verify your identity and confirm that the personal information relates to you.

Any disclosure we provide will only cover the 12-month period preceding receipt of your request, but you may request that we expand the 12-month period to cover information collected since enero 1, 2022 and we will honor that expanded request unless doing so would involve a disproportionate effort.  For Data Portability requests we will endeavor to provide the information in a format that is readily useable, including by mailing you a paper copy or providing an electronic copy to your registered account, if you have registered an account with us.

  • Opt Out Rights. We do not sell personal information for monetary or other consideration and we do not share personal information with third parties for behavioral marketing purposes. Further, we already limit processing or disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information to the purposes disclosed at or before the time we originally collected the information. If, in the future, we engage in any of these activities, we will update this privacy policy and our compliance with the CPRA.

We will not discriminate against you as a result of your exercise of any of these rights.

Using an Authorized Agent.  You may submit a request through someone holding a formal Power of Attorney.  Otherwise, you may submit a request using an authorized agent only if (1) you provide the authorized agent with written permission to make a request and (2) you verify your own identity directly with us.  We will require the agent to submit proof to us that they have been authorized to make requests on your behalf.

Information Collected, Sources, and Business Purposes for Collection

During the past 12 months, we have collected the following categories of information about California residents from the listed sources, used it for the listed business purposes and shared it with the listed categories of third parties.  The categories of information include information we collect from our website visitors, registered users, employees, vendors, suppliers and any other person that interacts with us either online or offline. Not all information is collected about all individuals.  For instance, we may collect different information from applicants for employment or from vendors or from customers.

Identifiers (name, alias, postal address, email address, phone number, fax number, account name, Social Security number, driver's license number, passport number, unique personal identifier, IP address)Individuals submitting information to us;

information we automatically collect from site visitors;

information we may receive from third-parties (affiliated companies; marketing and data partners).
Auditing relating to transactions;

security detection, protection and enforcement;
ad customization;

performing services for you;
quality control.
Service providers (such as payment processors, mail houses, marketing partners, shipping partners, employee benefits partners);

affiliated companies;
government regulators;

law enforcement when lawfully requested;

strategically aligned businesses.
Protected Information (name with financial account, medical, health, and health insurance information, user name and password)Individuals submitting information;

employment applications;

Security detection, protection and enforcement;

performing services for you.
Service providers (such as payment processors, employee benefits partners);

affiliated companies;

law enforcement when lawfully requested.
Protected classification information (race, gender, ethnicity, religion)Individuals submitting information.Performing services for you;

legal compliance
Service providers (such as employee benefits partners);

government regulators;

law enforcement when lawfully requested.
Commercial information (transaction history, products/services purchased, obtained or considered, product preference)Individuals submitting information;

information we automatically collect from site visitors;

information we may receive from third-party marketing or data partners.
Auditing relating to transactions;

ad customization;

performing services to you;

internal research and development;

quality control.
Service providers (such as payment processors, mail houses, marketing partners, shipping partners, professionals),

affiliated companies,

government regulators,

law enforcement when lawfully requested,

strategically aligned businesses,
Electronic network activity (browsing or search history, website interactions, advertisement interactions)Information automatically collected from site visitors.Auditing relating to transactions;

security detection, protection and enforcement;

functionality debugging/error repair;

ad customization;

performing services for you;

internal research and development;

quality control.
Service providers (such as marketing partners);

law enforcement when lawfully requested;

strategically aligned businesses.
Audio, video or similar information (customer service calls, security monitoring)Individuals submitting information;

information we collect for security purposes.
Auditing relating to transactions;

security detection, protection and enforcement;

functionality debugging/error repair;

performing services for you;

internal research and development;

quality control.
payment processors, mail houses, marketing partners, shipping partners, employee benefits partners, professionals);

affiliated companies;

government regulators;

law enforcement when lawfully requested.
BiometricsIndividuals submitting information;

Information we collect for security purposes;
Security detection, protection and enforcement;

performing services for you.
Law enforcement when lawfully requested.
GeolocationInformation we automatically collect from site visitors.Security detection, protection and enforcement;

ad customization;

performing services for you;

internal research and development;

quality control.
Service providers (such as marketing partners, shipping partners); affiliated companies;

government regulators;

law enforcement when lawfully requested;

strategically aligned businesses.
Professional, educational or employment related informationInformation submitted by individuals;

information received from third parties in connection with vendor or employment status or applications;

information we observe in connection with vendor or employment oversight.
Vendor and employee selection, retention and administration;

security detection, protection and enforcement;

performing services for you;

internal research and development;

quality control.
Service providers (such as payment processors, employee benefits partners);

affiliated companies;

government regulators;

law enforcement when lawfully requested.
Sensitive Personal Information (Social Security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number, account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit card number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access to an account, precise geolocation, consumer’s racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership, genetic data, biometric information, health, sex life or sexual orientation.)

Information submitted by individuals;

information received from third parties in connection with vendor or employment status or applications;

information we observe in connection with vendor or employment oversight

Identity verification;

employment and benefits administration;

vendor oversight;

security detection, protection and enforcement;

compliance with law..

Service providers (such as payroll processors, employee benefits partners, professional advisors);

government regulators;

law enforcement (if lawfully requested).
Inference from the above (preferences, characteristics, behavior, attitudes, abilities, etc.)Internal analyticsAd customization;

internal research and development;

quality control.
Service providers (such as marketing partners);

affiliated companies.

*More specifically, the business purposes include:

  1. Performing services for you:
    • To administer or otherwise carry out our obligations in relation to any agreement to which we are a party;
    • To assist you in completing a transaction or order;
    • To allow tracking of shipments;
    • To prepare and process invoices;
    • To respond to queries or requests and to provide services and support;
    • To provide aftersales customer relationship management;
    • To create and manage our customer accounts;
    • To notify you about changes to our services and products;
    • To administer any promotion, contest, survey, or competition;
    • To provide you information regarding our products and services,
    • To offer our products and services to you in a personalized way, for example, we may provide suggestions based on your previous requests to enable you to identify suitable products and services more quickly.
    • To manage your employment or vendor relationship with us, including for:
      • Onboarding, including background screening processes;
      • timekeeping, payroll and expense report administration;
      • employee benefits administration;
      • the creation, maintenance, and security of you online employee or vendor accounts;
      • reaching your emergency contacts when needed, such as when you are not reachable or are injured or ill;
      • workers' compensation claims management, ADA, FMLA, EEOC, regulatory complaint management, lawsuits;
      • other human resources and vendor administration purposes.
    • To manage and monitor employee or vendor access to company facilities, equipment, and systems.
    • We use and process Sensitive Personal Information to comply with laws including anti-discrimination laws and disablity accommodation laws.
  2. Advertising customization:
    • For marketing and promotions we believe you may find of interest and to provide you, or allow selected third parties to provide you, with information about products and services that may interest you.
  3. Auditing relating to transactions, internal research and development:
    • To provide for internal business administration and operations, including troubleshooting, Site customization, enhancement or development, testing, research, administration and operation of our Sites and data analytics;
    • To create products or services that may meet your needs;
    • To measure performance of marketing initiatives, ads, and websites “powered by” another company on our behalf.
  4. Security detection, protection and enforcement; functionality debugging, error repair:
    • As part of our efforts to keep our Sites safe and secure;
    • To ensure the security of your account and our business, preventing or detecting fraud, malicious activity or abuses of our Sites, for example, by requesting verification information in order to reset your account password (if applicable);
    • To ensure the physical security of our premises through the monitoring of surveillance images;
    • To resolve disputes, to protect the rights, safety and interests ourselves, our users or others, and to comply with our legal obligations.
  5. Quality control:
    • To monitor quality control and ensure compliance with our legal obligations, codes and ordinances, policies and procedures,
    • To develop and improve our products and services, for example, by reviewing visits to the Sites and various subpages, demand for specific products and services and user comments

Processing Sensitive Personal Information. We collect and process or disclose Sensitive Personal Information for the purposes disclosed above or at the time we collect this information. We do not process this information for purposes other than the purpose for which it was originally collected unless required by law. We use and process Sensitive Personal Information collected from California employees, job applicants or vendors (including racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, mental or physical health diagnosis, sexual orientation, or citizenship or immigration status) to comply with laws including anti-discrimination laws and disability accommodation laws. We use Sensitive Personal Information from other consumers (including racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, mental or physical health diagnosis, sexual orientation, or citizenship or immigration status) to provide disability accommodations.

Disclosing Personal Information

We may disclose your personal information to a third party or governmental agency for a business purpose, When we disclose to a business we enter into a contract that describes the purpose and requires the recipient to both keep that personal information confidential and not use it for any purpose except performing the contract. Please see above for the categories of recipients of each category of information.

We do not sell or share personal information as defined in the CPRA and do not disclose Sensitive Personal Information except as described in this Notice.

Notice to Nevada Residents

We do not transfer personal information for monetary consideration. If you would like to tell us not to sell your information in the future please email us at with your name, postal address, telephone number and email address with “Nevada do not sell” in the subject line.

Notice to Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia and Utah Residents

We are currently not subject to the Colorado Privacy Act, the Connecticut Personal Data Privacy Act, the Utah Consumer Privacy Act, or the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act. If we become subject to any of these laws in the future we will update this Privacy Policy accordingly.

Acceso a su información

In some jurisdictions outside of the United States you may have the right to receive disclosure from us regarding the information we hold about you. Envíe su solicitud escrita por correo postal o correo electrónico a las direcciones establecidas en la sección Contáctenos junto con sus datos de contacto completos. Si desea que cancelemos o dejemos de procesar su información personal lo haremos, sujeto a nuestra discreción, cancelaremos o dejaremos de procesar la información personal. No eliminaremos información que se nos exige retener para nuestras operaciones comerciales o cumplimiento jurídico. Podemos requerir que usted proporcione información de identificación adecuada o documentación antes de darle la información que tenemos de usted; esto es para su protección. We will respond to requests from outside the United States within 20 days of receipt and authentication.

Cómo ponerse en contacto con nosotros

TOTO USA, Inc. es el propietario y administrador de este sitio. If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions with respect to this policy, or the any requests regarding your personal information, or if you wish to ask us to delete, correct, or show you your information as provided above, please contact us at by e-mail, by telephone at 770-282-8686, or by mail at:


Attn: Website Manager
1155 Southern Road
Morrow, GA 30260

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